Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Getting ready for Summer: USA Gap Year Fairs!

US Gap Fair
Los Angeles, CA
City, State: Los Angeles, California
Date: January 16, 2014
Location: Harvard Westlake School
Address: 3700 Coldwater Canyon, Studio City, CA, California 91604
Event Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Presentation Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm

With over thirty different fairs all over the country starting in January and going through the end of February, the 2014 Gap Year Fairs have something for everyone! Each fair is preceded by a speaker who, as an authority on Gap Years, offers a personal and unique perspective. Speakers are also present as a resource to answer questions you might have on any point of the Gap Year experience; from deciding what program is right for you to how taking a Gap Year affects the college admission process. The fair itself consists of a number of diverse programs each of whom will have representatives and information to help you in your search! Below is a list of the times and dates of all the upcoming fairs, so take a look around!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Executive Functioning- The Basics

Executive Functioning- The Basics

Executive functioning skills enable students to manage their workload and plan for the future. These skills allow students to break down a task and organize it as well as create a time lime for completion. ……There has been a tremendous amount of information and conversation about executive functioning skills and success. Executive functioning skills are often discussed as the CEO or manager of your thought processes. Here is a quick overview of executive functioning components:

   Initiate: start

   Plan and Organize: stop, think and plan a strategy

   Organize Material: materials available and organized

   Inhibit: able to stay on task and avoid distractions

   Emotional Control: resilient when frustrated and overwhelmed

   Working Memory: able to hold and work on two mental concepts at once

   Shift: can move from one activity to another easily

   Monitor:  can check work and make changes as needed

While teaching executive functioning skills is important for any student that lacks them, a common complaint I hear from parents is that students aren’t using the skills they are taught. So, what is missing? There is the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”  I have found that executive functioning skills can be taught successfully, but for some students it takes more than teaching the skills to get the students to use them.

Excerpt taken from “What do students with strong Executive Functioning Skills have? Grit!” written by Melissa Mullin PhD from the K&M Center
For the whole article click here

An excellent resource- The K & M Center, Santa Monica CA

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Impulses, Emotions and the Rational Mind

Getting to the Root of it All. 
Excerpt from an article written by Hala Khouri for Elephant Journal

Impulses, Emotions and the Rational Mind

We can think of our consciousness as having three parts—our impulses, which are connected to the most primitive and animalistic part of our brain, our emotions and our rational mind. In order to be balanced, we need to be in relationship with all three parts of ourselves, if one part gets stifled, it will clog us up physically and emotionally.

Yet, most of us are taught to suppress our impulses and only acknowledge our feelings insofar as it’s not inconvenient or uncomfortable for others. The side effect of that is tension and addiction; it takes a lot of work to suppress our impulses and our feelings.

You might be concerned that if all people decided to act on their impulses the world would be chaotic and unsafe. You’re probably right. What we need to do is learn to express our impulses and the fullness of our feelings in a safe way that does not harm ourselves or someone else.

Just even acknowledging our impulses can often be enough.

Children don’t have a highly developed neo cortex and for this reason they are very impulsive and emotional. All of us were kids at some point, and how our parents dealt with our big feelings and behavior creates a template for how we deal with them in ourselves and others. If we were shamed for our feelings or told not to express ourselves, we will likely internalize that voice and then shame ourselves.

If we weren’t taught what to do with our big feelings and impulses as children, how are we to know what to do with them as adults?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

10 Tips to De-Stress Your Holidays

10 Tips to De-Stress Your Holidays

This is a wonderful article written by Dr. Yip from the Renewed Freedom Center. 10 very helpful tips that everyone could benefit from. 

November 1st, 2013
Published by Dr. Yip

1) Loneliness? Plan a Date with YOU!
Many people don’t have family to spend the holidays with. If this is the case, then use this opportunity to treat yourself to something you normally wouldn’t do. Keep yourself busy by looking in advance to attend events. Aid the less fortunate and volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. You can even find an organization to go caroling with. For the religious folks, seek solace at a place of worship. It’s a rewarding feeling when you can do something for yourself while also helping others.

2)Social Anxiety? Plan Ahead
Many holiday events allow you to bring plus one. So, don’t hesitate to bring a familiar face to ease the anxiety of meeting and socializing with new people. Think of conversation pieces beforehand, and ask open-ended questions, such as: “How do you know the host?” “Have you done all your shopping yet?” “Where are you spending the holidays?” Don’t be afraid to give a compliment. Most people enjoy them, and will be drawn out by a statement as much as a question. Most importantly, sound interested in the person you are talking to, be mindful in your response to others, and listen and reply to what is being said. At the end of the day, the spotlight is not solely on you. In fact, most people are too busy focusing on themselves to be concerned about anyone else. And if the event truly is unbearable, you can always bail early. Just remember to come up with a legitimate sounding reason first. “We’ve gota get back and tend to our sick puppy!”

3)Yummy Sinful Munchies
Got a special diet? Find out what will be served from the host. If items don’t suite your preference, offer to bring a dish for your “dietary requirements”. The holidays are no different than any other day. So keep as close to your regular exercise regimen as possible. Some exercise is always better than none. Similarly, rigid restriction of treats is a recipe for diet disaster. Unless you have a life threatening health condition like diabetes, allow yourself to enjoy holiday treats… with moderation of course, as with all things in life. And if you fall off the wagon, it’s no excuse to stay off. Each day is a new beginning. Strive to be healthy each day.

4)Meeting the Partner’s Family… Yikes!
If you haven’t already inquired about your significant other’s family members and traditions, now is definitely the time to ask. You want to know in advance what to expect, such as cultural dos & don’ts. Do your research about wearing shoes in the home, appropriate greetings (i.e., handshake, hug, bow, kiss on the cheek), sleeping arrangements, etc. Dress appropriately; although business casual attire is always a safe bet. Be prepared to spend time with the family without your partner immediately present. And of course, make sure to be well-groomed and offer your help around the home. Proper etiquette will give you bonus points in the long run!

5)Seeing Your Own Family… Yikes!
Many movies have depicted the traumatic experience of visiting family for the holidays. The reality is family will always be family, along with their annoying habits, embarrassing stories, and complex dynamics. However, you can mentally prepare yourself beforehand. Practice relaxation exercises and mindful meditations. Give yourself an escape route, such as a walk around the block, if things get too uncomfortable. If possible, find a trusted relative, sibling, or friend who can accompany you during these events and who you can signal to when needed. Remember, the holidays won’t last forever even though it may seem that way in the moment. Woosah…

6)The Kids Are Home
Look into day camps before the holiday season hits. Schedule play dates or field trips with the neighborhood kids. Establish group activities for the kids to be involved in, such as putting up the tree, decorating the home, helping with cooking, wrapping gifts, or sending/making holiday cards. Their help can save you tons of time where you won’t mind their presence.

7)Traveling Chaos
Expect delays, long security check lines, and more delays! So, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get to the airport, train station, or final destination. Have Plan B in place in case of weather cancellations. Check the weather online before packing, and try not to over pack. If you forget something, you can always purchase or borrow it from someone. Skip the fees and delays of checked baggage by packing travel-sized toiletries or purchasing forbidden items, such as razors, upon arrival. Bring along a bestseller book or the latest gossip magazine to keep yourself entertained. Purchase new songs online to make your waiting period less stressful. These days, you can even pamper yourself with a massage while you wait at (most) airports.

8)Dreaded Gift Buying Decisions
Determine in advance your total budget for gifts this season. Stay within budget by breaking this amount amongst your beneficiaries. Ask people for their wish lists, so you don’t have to stress over what to buy. And return the favor when asked. For mutual friends/family, consider pairing up with another to give a joint gift. It takes the pressure off yourself and spreads the responsibility. There’s no need to drive yourself mad trying to find the perfect gift, if one even exists. People will be appreciative of your gift. As cliché as it sounds; it’s the thought that counts.

9)Gifting on a Budget
Sometimes, hand crafted gifts are more cherished than those bought with excessive dollars. So bring out your creativity and make something instead of spending unnecessary money. Baking, knitting, homemade art, and framed photos and cards are just some examples of inexpensive yet very thoughtful gifts. Just because a gift is expensive doesn’t mean that it will be more appreciated. In fact, some of the most valued gifts are the ones spent with time, effort, and thought. Now comes the big question: which is actually less stressful?

10)Changing Family Life Cycles
Over time, every family will evolve and grow. This may mean that your children will want to spend some holidays with their partner’s family or travel with friends. Embrace these changes as part of life; not as a loss. With changes in the family structure, it’s important to consider other traditions. Perhaps have a joint gathering with the in-laws. Or take this free time to unwind and do some traveling of your own. Change is a necessary part of life and indicates progression. View it as the long-awaited opportunity to pursue new traditions. This could be the year to institute them.

The holidays are just another day. Like the rising and falling of ocean waves, there is always an end to it. And there will be next year to stress over it again. Happy holidays!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

IECA Conference: Innovative Young Adult Programming

I am looking forward to collaborating with some wonderful & innovative programs at the upcoming #IECA conference in San Diego. The panel will be discussing the current state of young adult issues as well as how the programs are addressing the increase in needs.

Friday 11/15, 8:15-9:30am,  #505: Innovative Programming

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Year in Review 
September 2012-2013 

The journey began after I attended the IECA Summer Training Institute in July 2012. I was so inspired to start my career as an EC that I jumped into a rental car in Philadelphia and made my way through Boston, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey, visiting as many programs as I could schedule, all in 1 week. The travel bug bit me and my adventures continued over the course of the year. I made the 1 year commitment to see and experience as many programs as possible, building a strong foundation of knowledge so that I can better support the families I work with. I was extremely fortunate to have met some extraordinary people. Clinicians, administrative support, marketing, day & ground staff, even maintenance crew, all demonstrated a passion and love for the work they do with the clients. With every trip I was inspired to learn more. This year also afforded me the opportunity to participate in several conferences including speaking to families of young adults about Transitional programming options, conducting a 4 part training series for parents of current Seniors, and presenting a panel discussion on Innovative Young Adult Programming at the upcoming IECA 2013. Looking forward towards the future, I am excited to continue working with inspiring families, furthering my knowledge about specific treatment programs, gaining a greater understanding of evidence based practices and outcome measures, continuing to educate families about transitional topics, and assisting with the development of innovative programming for young adults. Thanks to everyone that have assisted me in this journey… Looking forward to many more adventures. 

The following is a list of some of the programs I have visited over the course of the year:

Academy @ Trails Carolina (RTC/W)

Advance LA
Advance LA- LIVE
Agape Homes
Aim House
Almansor Academy - AUT
Alpine Academy
Arroyo Vista
Ashcreek Academy
Asheville Acadmey
Autsim Academy
Bard College @ Simon's Rock
Berkshire Hills Music
Boulder Creek Academy
Brandon Hall
Bridges Academy
Bridges to Recovery
Brinkman House
Building Bridges
Burlington College
Cardinal Cushing Academy
Casa Bella
Casa Capri
Casa De Amma
Cascade Crest Transitions
Center for Independent Futures
Chamberlain School
Champlain College
Chapel Haven
Chapel Haven- West
Cherokee Creek
Clarity House
College Excel
College Internship Program
Copper Canyon
Copper Hills
Daniels Academy
Destinations to Recovery
Deveruex, Arizona
Deveruex Glenholme School
Discovery Academy
Discovery Connections
Discovery Ranch
Dragonfly Transitions
Eagle Hill School
Edge Collegiate Community
Elk Mountain
Eva Carlston
Excelsior Youth Center
Falcon Ridge
Focus Point
Four Circles Recovery
Franklin Academy
Frostig School
Fusion Academy
Germain Lawerence
Grove School
Heritage School
Hope Homes
In Balance Ranch
In Balance Transition
Independence Center
Insight Intensive @ Gold Lake
La Europa
Lake House
Landmark College
Landmark School
Latham Center
Lava Heights
Life Adjustment Team
Life Development Institute
Living Well Transitions
Login River
Mansfield Hall
Monarch Transitions
Montana Academy
Mountain Valley Treatment
Mt. Pleasant
New Haven
New Leaf Academy
New Vision Wilderness- Bend
New Vision Wilderness- Wisconsin
Northwest Academy
Northwest Passage
Ohana House
Oliverian School
One to One Therapy
Open Sky
Optimum Performance Institute
Pacfic Quest, Reeds Bay
Pacific Quest
Pacific Shores Recovery
PCH Treatment
Red Rock
Riverview School
Rock Point School
Rogers Memorial
Scenic View Academy
Schrom Boy's home
Second Nature 360
Second Nature Blue Ridge
Shortridge Academy
Sierra Tuscon
Skyland Trails
Sober College
Solstice- Journey Home
Soltice Academy- East
Soltice Academy- West
Sovereign Journey
Spectrum College
Spring Lake Ranch
Spring Ridge Academy
Spruce Mountain Inn
St. Johnsbury Academy
Summit Achievement
Summit Prep
Talbott Recovery
Tierra Del Sol- Nexus
Timberline Knolls
Trails Academy
True North Wilderness
UCLA Pathways
University of Arizona- SALT Center
Valley View School
Visions Treatment Center
Visions- Launch
Vista Counseling Services
Vista Dimpledell
Vista Magna RTC
Vista Vocational  
Waterfall Canyon
Watsach Academy
Way Point Academy
Westmark School
Westview School
Wilderness Treatment Center